Jack Skellington Hold Michelob Ultra Beer Halloween T-Shirt

Jack Skellington Hold Michelob Ultra Beer Halloween T-Shirt

Get your brand out there this Halloween season by picking up this funny Michelob Ultra Halloween T-shirt!


You can’t have Halloween without the Skeletons! In this Halloween inspired tee, we’ve put the iconic scene from Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas on a red and white Michelob Ultra beer shirt. We’ve added in the creepy skull and bones to really spice things up and give the shirt that extra Halloween punch. This is sure to be a hit on trick or treat night!


This is the jack-o-lantern-themed Jack Skellington costume that I created for my wife’s 5th birthday party this past October. The jack-o-lantern was made from two large plastic pumpkins that I cut and taped together. The face was made out of a large foam

1. Jack Skellington Hold Michelob Ultra Beer Halloween T-Shirt

Jack Skellington Hold Michelob Ultra Beer Halloween <a class=T-Shirt Product Photo 1″ src=”https://www.banantees.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/jack-skellington-hold-michelob-ultra-beer-halloween-t-shirt.jpg” title=”Jack Skellington Hold Michelob Ultra Beer Halloween T-Shirt” width=”500″ />
Jack Skellington Hold Michelob Ultra Beer Halloween T-Shirt Product Photo 1

Buy the Jack Skellington Hold Michelob Ultra Beer Halloween T-Shirt here

In conclusion, the brand’s strategy was simple: They wanted to be the beer of choice at Halloween parties. They knew that this would require a strong presence at Halloween events. So, they partnered with costume-makers to get their costumes on shelves.

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