I’m Just Here For The Boos Ghost In Pink Ribbon Halloween T-Shirt

I'm Just Here For The Boos Ghost In Pink Ribbon Halloween T-Shirt

A year after her husband died suddenly, Amy Smeath started a campaign to raise money to get him a funeral. Her campaign was featured on a local news station and she quickly became the face of grief in the community.


It’s always fun to dress up. When I first became pregnant, I loved wearing cute maternity outfits every single day. When I went into labor and my son was born, I got to enjoy wearing the same outfit around for a week straight. Then, when he started growing and changing, I was excited to change out of my cute outfits for my maternity clothes. It made me feel comfortable in my own skin. But after a few weeks, I found myself wanting to wear the cuter clothes again. Why? I liked being able to feel comfortable in my own body and I loved looking cute.


We’re still selling Halloween t-shirts from last year’s ghost-themed promotion. If you missed out on this limited-edition shirt, don’t worry—we’re doing it again next year.

1. I’m Just Here For The Boos Ghost In Pink Ribbon Halloween T-Shirt

I'm Just Here For The Boos Ghost In Pink Ribbon Halloween T-Shirt Product Photo 1
I’m Just Here For The Boos Ghost In Pink Ribbon Halloween T-Shirt Product Photo 1

Buy the I’m Just Here For The Boos Ghost In Pink Ribbon Halloween T-Shirt here

In conclusion, there is one ghost that’s been haunting me for years. And it’s not the one in the Halloween t-shirt. I’m talking about the one who’s been lurking in the back of my mind ever since I first started to think about my passion for writing. That ghost is doubt. And, to make matters worse, it’s the only ghost you’ve ever seen. So, let me help you slay doubt and conquer your fears by sharing my story. In this eBook I’ll reveal my personal journey from doubter to bestselling author and help you build the confidence and courage you need to reach your goals and live the life you deserve.